Collared Peccary or Javelina Herd at Night

by Judy Kennedy
Collared Peccary or Javelina Herd at Night
Judy Kennedy
Photograph - Photo
This little group of Javelina that visited my home included several young ones I am happy to say. The Javelina (pronounced “havelina”) or Collared Peccary (Peccary angulatus) is NOT a wild pig or boar. While they may look similar to pigs, they are classified in a family all their own because of anatomical differences. Javelina are members of the Tayassuidae family while true pigs are members of the Suidae family. Javelinas inhabit the Chihuahuan and Sonoran Deserts of southwestern Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, Mexico, then southward through Central America to northern Argentina in South America. I’ve done several videos on them, and the one that features these is https://youtu.be/p3RnMhkKe5c I was fortunate to catch these images with a trail cam set out on my land which is situated in a remote area about 50 miles south of Phoenix in northwestern Pinal County in the beautiful Sonoran Desert of Arizona.
June 3rd, 2018