Wild Mouse in Christmas Tree

by Judy Kennedy
Wild Mouse in Christmas Tree
Judy Kennedy
Photograph - Photo
Several years ago during hard times, we salvaged a creosote bush to use as our Christmas tree. A wild cactus mouse, attracted by the candy canes, climbed into it, and fortunately I was able to capture the sweet little creature on video. The cactus mouse (Peromyscus eremicus), is one of many wild rodents living in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona in the United States. However, in Europe, some people keep them as exotic pets. This video tells the sweet story of this extraordinary event in a poem I composed in the theme of "The Night Before Christmas" with accompanying music. The image is a still captured from the video which was made in the standard definition of the time (2008), so it required some slight enhancement to make it presentable. The video itself, however, was revised in high definition a few years ago to include photos of the Fine Art America products featuring this image. It’s a good example of how you can seamlessly promote art in a video that offers more than just advertising. Here’s the link the revised video on my YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/hdPyOUrBfC8
And here is the poem:
Twas the night before Christmas
and all through the house
not a creature was stirring
except this one mouse
the tree was all trimmed
with ornaments and lights
but it was the candy canes
that invited the mice
we could not find
an evergreen tree
so we rescued a creosote bush
that was free
from the side of a road
where cars drove too fast
it was destined to die
so we gave it a chance
to serve and inspire
and be beautiful too
who would imagine
we’d get such a view
our small furry guest
brought laughter and glee
so rather than catch it
we just let it be
Such cute little whiskers
and eyes open wide
a miniature Santa
on an incredible ride
No hawks in pursuit
or owls or snakes
a really smart rodent
or a real lucky break
If you could imagine
what heaven he found
when he drew himself up
and out of the ground
all hungry and cold
and alone as can be
to come in our home
and find such a feast
you might think this mouse
got a present from us
but if the truth be known
it was really no fuss
Sonoran Desert wildlife
was never so merry
as the time we were blessed
by this sweet cactus fairy
to love all creatures
great and small
is the true Christmas spirit
and the best gift of all
We wish you the same
with tons of good cheer
perfect weather from Arizona
and a happy new year!
November 27th, 2019