V is for Vulture

by Judy Kennedy
V is for Vulture
Judy Kennedy
Photograph - Photo
In the summer months especially in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona, the turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) is a frequent sight in the sky. This vulture was perched near the bank of the Vekol Wash in northwestern Pinal County about 60 miles south of Phoenix in the early morning of June 2, 2019. The Vekol Wash is a xeroriparian habitat with historical and ecological significance. Interestingly, the dead ironwood tree limb it’s perching on is in the shape of a “V” - as if she's announcing V for vulture, and V for Vekol! (Love those synchronicities.) Anyway, no other raptors are as graceful in flight than turkey vultures (which are NOT buzzards by the way). I’ve done several videos about them and I’m about to do another one using the footage from this particular bird and his or her companion. You can see them on my YouTube channel at: http://youtube.com/waywardmuse.
From a shamanic perspective, the Turkey Vulture represents Purification, Death and Rebirth, and New Vision. Turkey Vulture is the avenger of the nature spirits. Often maligned and certainly misunderstood, these servants of the Great Mother do not kill. They eat the left-overs, cleaning her body for us. They have no real voice because it’s better to do than to talk about doing. During flight, their wings don’t move much reflecting that the power does not come from them. They simply use what’s available. They represent the alchemical stage of sublimation establishing a new relationship between the volatile and the fixed, the psychic energies and the cosmic forces, the beauty and the beast, for as above, so below. Turkey vulture is the promise that suffering is temporary and necessary for a higher purpose, even if not fully understood.
November 12th, 2019