Triskele Abstract Duotone

by Judy Kennedy
Triskele Abstract Duotone
Judy Kennedy
Photograph - Digital Art
The latin prefix “tri” means three (3) as many know. Triskele means “three legs” and is often interchangeable with the triple spiral and its many meanings - none which are exclusively Celtic because it is an ancient, universal symbol of creation or manifestation. As a natural creative since I was born, I’ve always gravitated toward the number 3 - it is my favorite - and I prefer anything gathered in threes. The triskele is a vital symbol and always implies movement - progression - flowing towards - like birthing. So we have the fruitful feminine "beingness" as opposed to a masculine torporific STATE of being. In other words, knowing as opposed to bodies of knowledge that can become codified and arrested, outwearing their usefulness. This is why witches were burned at the stake. They were always manifesting deep, wise knowing that needed no priest, professor, or pundit (exclusively male until recently in our history comparatively speaking) to approve, sanctify, or grant. Okay - enough of the history lesson - back to my art - my herstory. In this duotone abstraction, lines of sacred geometry overlap with the triskelion triangle, resulting in a merging of color, light, and perspective emphasizing an ongoing process. The angles are essentially composed of masculine energy but they rest on the supportive underlying field of feminine energy represented by the curves. This implies unity born from the intersection of opposites. With the intermingling of 2D and 3D and the unraveling of Celtic knots in a loose spiral, we cannot really tell what’s coming or going, and that’s good, because that means the mystery in this expression is not yet lost but still out there or in there, as the case my be - subject to interpretation, as most good art is. It’s probably both - within and without - because the Hermetic Axiom rules all things: As above, so below. Enjoy!
March 9th, 2020