Soak Up Sunshine

by Judy Kennedy
Soak Up Sunshine
Judy Kennedy
Photograph - Photo
I’ve started a subcategory of my Signs and Sayings gallery entitled “Be Ye Wise as Serpents” which is a phrase attributed to Jesus (Matt. 10:16) in the King James version of the Christian Bible. I agree wholeheartedly that observing the true nature of snakes reveals much we can learn from them. First, I must admit that this is not an original idea. I was inspired by a T-shirt someone gave me, and then transposed these snake witticisms into my own words on my own art - featuring the awesome serpents of the desert southwest (with the exception of the anaconda from Out of Africa). What better snake represents them than the iconic Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox). Here is that most common of desert serpents all coiled up in the sun. Another rescue and release — he had just been dumped out of a dark bucket so immediately went into a defensive coil and was soaking up that sunshine for energy. We all need sunshine for our Vitamin D so he’s setting a good example for all of us!
November 15th, 2018