Rare Multicolored Male House Finch

by Judy Kennedy
Rare Multicolored Male House Finch
Judy Kennedy
Photograph - Photo
I have several birdfeeders outside my windows for my pleasure and the cats - of course. The birds often perch on the adjacent creosote bushes. House finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) are probably the most prevalent birds. They’re easy to identify: females are a dull gray and the males have bright red-orange heads - usually. This little guy must be a rare one though because his head is not just one of the lesser seen alternate colors like yellow or yellow-orange, he has at least 2-3 colors going on! I don’t know if he was a fledgling not fully developed or if he was going to stay this way. But I’m sure glad he posed long enough for me to capture his beautiful little face and colorful feathers!
May 14th, 2019