Poc And Pod It

by Judy Kennedy
Poc And Pod It
Judy Kennedy
Photograph - Digital Art
The art is one of my first fractals. The words are part of a magical clearing statement used by adherents of Access Consciousness. Access Consciousness is a psychological and philosophical system that facilitates profound changes in consciousness accelerating the wellbeing of the individual who practices it on a regular basis. The system is growing in popularity because it really works, and also partly due to the complete transparency and leadership qualities of one of its beloved founders, Dain Heer. The clearing statement is actually an abbreviated affirmation of sorts. The entire statement is a little bit longer, but many folks just use this abbreviation to address issues with more immediacy. POC stands for “point of creation” and POD stands for “point of destruction.” In order to rid oneself of outdated notions, anxiety, or just incorrect observations, one must address the beginning and end of such ideas in this process. It’s a bit more complex, but that’s the gist of it. Feel free to research it sometime if you’re interested!
May 24th, 2020